Hi, I am new to Splunk and would like to build a dashboard to find all hosts in environment. This should query all logs to pick up WSL environments, devices ingesting from my security tools and overall just anything with a hostname and classify it as domain joined, server or workstation.
I am using this to then see the devices that has the forwarder installed and then would correlate to see what devices require the splunk forwarder.
index="_internal" source="*metrics.log*" group=tcpin_connections
| dedup hostname
| table date_hour, date_minute, date_mday, date_month, date_year, hostname, sourceIp, fwdType ,guid ,version ,build ,os ,arch
| stats count
You need to specify your needs more precisely. Finding sources of events is one thing, finding - for example - all hosts shown in firewall logs is a completely different cup of tea.
Hi @gcusello Thanks!
I also tried this but it takes ages to get results.
| stats dc(computerName) as UniqueHostCount by computerName
| where UniqueHostCount > 0
| stats max(timestamp) by computerName
| table computerName
Hi @JandrevdM ,
what's in my search doesn't match your requirement?
then, if you want the list of all your assets, you don't need all that commands, but only a list of hosts.
then UniqueHostCount is always 1 in your search.
them you don't have timestamp from the first stats command, so you cannot use it in the second stats command because after a stats command you have only the fields in the stats.
At least, using tstats you have a more performant search.
Hi @JandrevdM ,
with this search you can have only the list of Universal Forwarders and not the list of all devices.
In addition you could have a more performat search in this way:
| tstats count where index=_internal BY host
If you want also other devices, you must use a different filter in where condition, e.g.:
| tstats count where index=_internal OR index=* BY host