Hi, i'm trying to filter values greater than zero.
I have this search:
index="prod_super_cc" source=ETL_GRO_01ReadMessagesKafka| spath input=data.Orders | search "{}.LineRusherTransaction"="*" | stats values({}.LineRusherTransaction) as LRTransactions
it brings some results including zero values and greater than zero values
0 48580100196 48580100231 48580100687 48580100744 48580100909 48580100910 48580101088 48580101119 48580101320
But i want to remove zero values.
I've tried using: | search "{}.LineRusherTransaction">"0" | search "{}.LineRusherTransaction">0
| where LRTransactions>0 (No results)
I've tried with index="prod_super_cc" source=ETL_GRO_01ReadMessagesKafka| spath input=data.Orders | search "{}.LineRusherTransaction"="*" | table {}.LineRusherTransaction | where "{}.LineRusherTransaction" > 0
Message says: Error in 'where' command: Type checking failed. The '>' operator received different types. 😓
Without a expected result. I just want to filter values by removing zero values. Could you please help me please? Thank you 😃
eval statement need to have non standard field names surrounded with single quotes, so
| eval LR=mvfilter('{}.LineRusherTransaction'>0)
You can use mvfilter to remove those values you do not want from your multi value field. See this run anywhere example.
| makeresults
| eval _raw="LRTransactions
0 48580100196 48580100231 48580100687 48580100744 48580100909 48580100910 48580101088 48580101119 48580101320"
| multikv forceheader=1
| eval LRTransactions=split(LRTransactions," ")
| table LRTransactions
| eval LRTransactions=mvfilter(LRTransactions>0)
The last line is what you're after
Hope this helps
HI @bowesmana , thanks for responding!
I just tried with this example but it still is not working.
I adapted it to my splunk query:
index="prod_super_cc" source=ETL_GRO_01ReadMessagesKafka| spath input=data.Orders | search "{}.LineRusherTransaction"="*" | table {}.LineRusherTransaction | eval LR=mvfilter({}.LineRusherTransaction>0)
The message i'm getting is:
Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. An unexpected character is reached at '{}.LineRusherTransaction>0)'.
I think the problem revolves around the {}.LineRusherTransaction which comes from a JSON property. Here you can see the example:
So, i'm trying to get all records with LineRusherTransaction and then trying to remove zeros sending all values to a table and then removing with eval.
But i don´t know how to include this reference ({}.LineRusherTransaction) into the eval command.
What do you think?
eval statement need to have non standard field names surrounded with single quotes, so
| eval LR=mvfilter('{}.LineRusherTransaction'>0)
It works!
mvfilter is useful, i didn´t know about it, and single quotes is what i needed.
This is my final splunk query.
index="prod_super_cc" source=ETL_GRO_01ReadMessagesKafka| spath input=data.Orders | search "{}.LineRusherTransaction"="*" | table {}.LineRusherTransaction | eval LRTrans=mvfilter('{}.LineRusherTransaction'>0) | stats values(LRTrans)