Hello, I am extracting a lot of values during search (using eval & split as recommended here), one of them being `username`.
I also have a lookup table called "expected_usernames.csv" that contains "service_expected_usernames" column and usernames in it.
I am having a hard time writing a search query that would return only events where extracted username field is not equal to any of the usernames in the lookup file.
I thought this answer would help, but it give me all the results not really caring about whether username matches or not.
| rex field=source "(.*)\_(?<logtype>(connectionlog|userlog|useractivitylog))\_(\d{4})\-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.gz"
| search (logtype="connectionlog") | eval temp=split(_raw,"|")
... some extraction omitted for brevity ...
| eval username=mvindex(temp,6)
| fields - temp
| search NOT
[| inputlookup expected_usernames.csv
| fields username
| rename username AS service_expected_usernames
| format
This still returns all the records, no filtering applied. What am I doing wrong?
Looks like the issue was with renaming in the subsearch (I think it is incorrectly described in the answer I linked and used as a reference - the poster got it backwards (according to my testing)).
In the subsearch this gets it to work:
[| inputlookup expected_usernames.csv
| fields service_expected_usernames
| rename service_expected_usernames AS username
| format
Looks like the issue was with renaming in the subsearch (I think it is incorrectly described in the answer I linked and used as a reference - the poster got it backwards (according to my testing)).
In the subsearch this gets it to work:
[| inputlookup expected_usernames.csv
| fields service_expected_usernames
| rename service_expected_usernames AS username
| format