Splunk Search

Field extraction


I have field in my raw events

src = https://www.abcd.com/shop/buy-laptop/dell-200
src= https://www.abcd.com/shop/buy-mobile/LG-i20

I want to extract files product family and products. family like laptop, mobile and Products values like dell-200, LG-i20

Thanks for your time.

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1 Solution


Hi sandeepmakkena,

Try something like this:

your search here
| rex field=src "buy-(?<family>[^\/]+)\/(?<product>.+)$"
| more SPL here

This will return a field called family and product with values of laptop or mobile respectively dell-200 or LG-i20 based on your provided sample events.

Hope this helps ...

cheers, MuS

View solution in original post

0 Karma


Hi sandeepmakkena,

Try something like this:

your search here
| rex field=src "buy-(?<family>[^\/]+)\/(?<product>.+)$"
| more SPL here

This will return a field called family and product with values of laptop or mobile respectively dell-200 or LG-i20 based on your provided sample events.

Hope this helps ...

cheers, MuS

0 Karma


Greetings @sandeepmakkena,

Please try this run-anywhere search. Pick and choose the values you need.

| makeresults
| eval src = "https://www.abcd.com/shop/buy-laptop/dell-200"
| append 
    [ | makeresults 
      | eval src= "https://www.abcd.com/shop/buy-mobile/LG-i20" ]
| rex field=src "(?<category>[^/]+)/[^/]+$"
| rex field=src "buy-(?<category_no_buy>[^/]+)/[^/]+$"
| rex field=src "(?<item>[^/]+)$"
| table src category_no_buy category item


src                                        category_no_buy   category      item
https://www.abcd.com/shop/buy-laptop/dell-200    laptop      buy-laptop dell-200
https://www.abcd.com/shop/buy-mobile/LG-i20    mobile        buy-mobile LG-i20

If you feel this response answered your question, please do not forget to mark it as such. If it did not, but you do have the answer, feel free to answer your own post and accept that as the answer.
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