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Extracting Linux permissions using rex

Path Finder

Hi all!

I'm looking to extract certain values from a Linux command line. Take the following example


| makeresults
| eval sampleCLI="find / -perm -664 -type d 2>/dev/null"
| eval sampleCLI2="find . -perm -2 -type d 2>/dev/null"
| eval sampleCLI3="find . \( -perm -o rwx \) -type d 2>/dev/null"
| eval sampleCLI4="find / -perm -o+w"


What I want is to extract the permissions and run some checks on it. For example, 664, 2, rwx and +w respectively in the above example. I'm having a hard type writing the regex query for this. I'm new to this and was trying to keep it simple and just get the value using negative matching like so


| rex field=sampleCLI* “find * -perm (?<permval>\S+)” 


However the rex command doesn't even run. Throws up the following error: Error in 'rex' command: The regex '“find' does not extract anything. It should specify at least one named group. Format: (?<name>...). 

Could someone please explain where I'm going wrong? Thanks very much!

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1 Solution


| rex field=yourfield "-perm(\s-o)?\s?(-|\+)?(?<permission>[^\s]+)"

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you can't use wildcard (*) in rex field attribute.


| rex field=sampleCLI "-perm\s+-(-0)?(?<permission>[^\s]+)"
| rex field=sampleCLI2 "-perm\s+-(-0)?(?<permission>[^\s]+)"



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Path Finder

Thank you, this is great. However, it does not match for commands like


find / -perm -o+w
find . \( -perm -o rwx \) -type d 2>/dev/null


 Is it possible for the same regex expression to have this?

0 Karma


| rex field=yourfield "-perm(\s-o)?\s?(-|\+)?(?<permission>[^\s]+)"

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