In the following log, I wanted to extract Url, Method, ResponseTimeMs, StatusCode as a table:
log: a_level="INFO", a_time="null", a_sub="xxx", a_uid="xx", a_tid="xx", a_rid="guid", a_thread="175" a_type="type", a_met="Move", a_msg="Method=GET,Uri=http://monolith-xxx.abc.com/v2/clients?skip=0top=100,MediaType=null,RemoteIP=::ffff:,XRem...
For URL, I wanted the full extract "http://monolith-xxx.abc-xyz/v2/clients?skip=0top=100"
My current splunk query is as below:
index=aws_abc env=prd-01 uri Method StatusCode ResponseTimeMs
| eval DataSet=log
| rex field=DataSet "ResponseTimeMs=(?<ResponseTimeMs>\d+),StatusCode=(?<StatusCode>\d+)"
| rex field=DataSet "Url=(?<uri>[^,]+),Method=(?<Method>\w+)"
| table Url,Method,ResponseTimeMs, StatusCode
I get value in the table for ResponseTimeMs, StatusCode but not for URL and Method. Please help. Thanks
Not sure if there's typos in the example you've provided, the string after "a_msg" seems inconsistent with previous format.
Anyways, this was written have some flexibilty in accomodating possible typos your event example.
| rex field=DataSet "\"?Method\"?\=(?<Method>[^,]*)\,Uri=(?<uri>[^\,]+)"
Not sure if there's typos in the example you've provided, the string after "a_msg" seems inconsistent with previous format.
Anyways, this was written have some flexibilty in accomodating possible typos your event example.
| rex field=DataSet "\"?Method\"?\=(?<Method>[^,]*)\,Uri=(?<uri>[^\,]+)"
Thank you very much