So I am generating an alert everyday at 2am, the alert is basically a table with several fields, now I would like the user to utilize this saved alert by only using a single value from it (I need the entire table because beforehand I do not know which value the user will select)
currently it is only
<search ref="alert_objects"></search>
is it possible to search in this like
<search ref="alert_objects"> | search * host="$host_token$"
table total_time</search>
Try like this
<search ref="alert_objects"></search>
With Updated
...other xml portions..
<search ref="alert_objects" id="base_alert_objects" ></search>
<search base="base_alert_objects"> <query> search * host="$host_token$" | table total_time</query></search>
Try like this
<search ref="alert_objects"></search>
With Updated
...other xml portions..
<search ref="alert_objects" id="base_alert_objects" ></search>
<search base="base_alert_objects"> <query> search * host="$host_token$" | table total_time</query></search>
awesome it works!
This should work but it is giving me the entire table again, seems like its ignoring this entire part
search * host="$host_token$" | table total_time
I have
<search ref="alert_objects" id="base_alert_objects" ></search>
<search base="base_alert_objects"> search * host="$host_token$" | table total_time</search>
I missed the query tag in there. Try the updated one.
<search ref="alert_objects"></search>
is not the search query.
can you copy and paste the whole xml please..
or, the <query>
The actual search query is saved as an alert (alert name "alert_objects")
I am trying to get a field value from it, this is the actual query (saved as alert)
index=main host="*"
| transaction startswith="StartSession" endswith="EndSession" by source
| appendpipe [ | stats count | where count = 0 | eval duration=0]
| eval session_per_source = duration
| stats sum(session_per_source) as total_time by host
| table host, total_time
| fillnull value=NULL
I need the entire table as an alert, and was wondering if I could query this alert and only show the value part
| search * host="$host_token$"
table total_time