Hi Splunkers,
Is it possible to add an External URL as Hyperlink in the message body of an alert?
I know we can place directly URL link like below as shown.
Message: You can access https://example2example.com to view your current permission.
but i would like to see something like this:
Expected output:
Message: You can access "Proxy" to view your current permission.
@dadepu @RalfSeewaldCT you can check out Sendresults Splunk App from Splunkbase by Discovered Intelligence to format Tabular results as HTML for email.
Hi dadepu,
great question. I kind of have the same challange and I'm wodering if you could found a solution for it.
I tried out some things like putting in html code like Proxy, with the result that exactly this code is shown in the email.
Would be great to hear your solution. 🙂
Best regards,
|makeresults |eval Failure=52 | sendemail to="abc@gmail.com" format="html" server=smtp.gmail.com:143 use_tls=1 subject="Using splunk 7.1.1 version" message="Splunk Alert \n Test Link: http:\\localhost:8000 .\n My Test Alert from URL: www.google.com ."