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Extended Regex in Inputs.conf

Path Finder

I have some complicated Extended Regexes that give the right files when used with a find /|grep -E "regex" but do not work in inputs.conf.

Here's an example:

whitelist = \/(qqq|abc)\/\w+\/wls[0-9]+\/user_projects\/domains\/\w+\/servers\/\w+\/logs\/\w+\.out

Which would match any of these files when used with a find /|grep


BUT in inputs.conf, it matches a LOT more under /files

In simple english, I need to match:

/files/(abc or qqq)/*/wls*/user_projects/domains/*/servers/*/logs/*.out

Tags (2)
0 Karma


Then your going to need to work with your blacklists and whitelists more. The monitor stanza doesn't allow for full regex.

whitelist = ^(foobar|FBAR|GBAR)\.out$


Note concerning wildcards and monitor:
* You can use wildcards to specify your input path for monitored input.
Use "..." for recursive directory

matching and "" for wildcard matching
in a single directory segment.
* "..." recurses through directories. This means that /foo/.../bar will
match foo/bar, foo/1/bar,

foo/1/2/bar, etc.
* You can use multiple "..." specifications in a single input path.
For example: /foo/.../bar/...
* The asterisk (
) matches anything in a single path segment; unlike "...",
it does not recurse. For example,

/foo//bar matches the files /foo/bar,
/foo/1/bar, /foo/2/bar, etc. However,
it does not match /foo/1/2/bar . A
second example: /foo/m*r/bar matches
/foo/bar, /foo/mr/bar, /foo/mir/bar,
/foo/moor/bar, etc.
* You can combine "
" and "..." as required: foo/.../bar/* matches any
file in the bar directory within the

specified path.

Path Finder

Nope, there are other 'logs' directories in other places in the /files directory tree (e.g. /files/abc/stuff/logs/XYZ.out) which I don't want to report.

0 Karma


Have you tried to use recursive directory matching?

whitelist = \w+\.out$

whitelist = .out$

Should work.

0 Karma
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