How to correct this SPL to avoid this error
index=win EventCode=528 OR EventCode=4624 LogonType=2
| fields Account_Name
[ | inputlookup identities_1
| inputlookup append=true identities_2
| inputlookup append=true identities_3
| rename identity as Account_Name
| fields Account_Name watchlist
| where watchlist = "true"
Error in 'fields' command: Invalid argument: 'Account_Name=HELP'
@splunk_zen, you can try the following, however, I would want to know as to why you have three lookups identities_1, identities_2 and identities_3. I have moved watchlist filter to inputlookup command itself assuming all three lookups have this field.
index=win EventCode=528 OR EventCode=4624 LogonType=2
[| inputlookup identities_1 where watchlist = "true"
| inputlookup append=true identities_2 where watchlist = "true"
| inputlookup append=true identities_3 where watchlist = "true"
| rename identity as Account_Name
| table Account_Name]
Issue was really on the dumb first
| fields argument
different lookups are non relevant to this but required as we're using the ldapsearch command to fetch ldapoutputs from several domains
Try this-
index=win EventCode=528 OR EventCode=4624 LogonType=2
| fields Account_Name
[ | inputlookup identities_1
| inputlookup append=true identities_2
| inputlookup append=true identities_3
| rename identity as Account_Name
| fields Account_Name watchlist
| where watchlist = "true" | return $Account_Name
Unfortunately it doesn't work.
Adding $Account_Name yields 0 results