Hi All, On the internal logs i see this eval command error -
ERROR EvalCommand - Error in 'eval' command: The expression is malformed. An unexpected character is reached at '*)/86400)'.
but it does not provide more details like which search query / search report / alert caused this error msg.
searched about this, but no luck. could someone provide some suggestions please. thanks..
Hi @richgalloway / Hi All.. the above rest query returns around 25 searches, i ran all of them, all are running fine.. no errors they give(on the gui, as well as on job inspector),..
1) on the internal logs, i see this error around 12 times per hour, (6 times at the hour, 6 times at the 30min).. so, just after it appears on the internal log, i login to the search head linux box, on the dispatch directory,
when i search for the search logs for this error, the correct search query which caused this log into the internal logs not showing up..
find ./ -type f -exec grep -H '/86400)' {} \;
find ./ -name search.log -exec grep -H '/86400)' {} \;
2. apart from search queries, is there anything else which might cause this errors in the internal logs?! (any field extractions, ..etc)
Yes, that's one of Splunk's many crappy error messages.
If you have access to the CLI, search the savedsearches.conf files for that reported string.
find /opt/splunk/etc/apps -name savedsearches.conf -exec grep "\*)\/86400)" {} \;
If you don't have CLI access then try this SPL query
| rest /services/saved/searches splunk_server=local
| search search=*
| where match(search, "\*\)\/86400\)")
After running the SPL query, I am getting the below error:
"Error in 'where' command: Regex: unmatched closing parenthesis"
That's probably because of improper escaping of the embedded ')' characters. I've corrected my answer.
Thanks, the SPL did work this time. However, there was no result for the mentioned string and yet I am seeing that error
The regex may need to be adjusted. Try searching just for "86400".