Drill down with transpose not working as expected to fetch the row and colomn values, as its not giving me the accurate results, not sure if this is related to transpose.
index=wso2 source="/opt/log.txt" "Count_Reportings"
| fields api-rep rsp_time mguuid
| bin _time span=1d
| stats values(*) as * by _time, mguuid
| eval onesec=if(rsp_time<=1000,1,0)
| eval threesec=if(rsp_time>1000 and rsp_time<=3000,1,0)
| eval threesecGT=if(rsp_time>3000,1,0)
| eval Total = onesec + threesec + threesecGT
| stats sum(onesec) as sumonesec sum(threesec) as sumthreesec sum(threesecGT) as sumthreesecGT sum(Total) as sumtotal by api-rep, _time
| eval good = if(api-rep="High", sumonesec + sumthreesec, if(api-rep="Medium", sumonesec + sumthreesec, if(api-rep="Low", sumonesec, null())))
| eval per_call=if(api-rep="High", (good / sumtotal) * 100, if(api-rep="Medium" , (good / sumtotal) * 100, if(api-rep="Low" , (good / sumtotal) * 100, null())))
| eval per_cal=round(per_call,2)
| timechart span=1d avg(per_cal) by api-rep
| eval time=strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d")
| fields - _time _span _spandays
| fillnull value=0
| transpose 0 header_field=time column_name=APIs include_empty=true
Below is the output for the above query, when i click on the 99.93 then need to pick GOOD and colomn header 2024-06-30 and pass it in the drilldown query
When i click on 99.93 from colomn 2024-06-30 it gives me below output, its not giving me the row values as Good.
Below are the drildown tokens.
tokClickValue1 = $click.value$
tokClickName1 = $click.name$
tokClickValue2 = $click.value2$
tokClickName2 = $click.name2$
tokApi = $row.APIs$
i want token to fetch header and APIs values to pass it to drilldown query.
2024-06-30 should be name2 and good should be value
name | name2 |
value | value2 |
Its working with your solution. @ITWhisperer Thanks for your help.
In your API column example, how are you assigning the tokApi token to the API column?
I assume you are doing something like
| makeresults
| eval API=$tokApi|s$
At least that is what you _should_ be doing...
2024-06-30 should be name2 and good should be value
name | name2 |
value | value2 |
Name2 is giving me the 1988, not sure if its converting.
Are you using Classic or Studio?
Please share significant part of your dashboard source in a code block to make reading easier