Splunk Search

Display the top 5 line chart field values

Path Finder

I'm having some trouble with getting the top 5 line values on a line chart. My current search is below

index=db  sourcetype="dbmetrics" db_type IN (DB2, SQLSERVER) 
|eval db_inst=db_instance +" - "   +application
|eval db_app=database +" - " +application
|eval db_info=coalesce(db_app, db_inst)
|timechart span=1h eval(round(avg(db_connections),0)) as DB values(DB) by db_info useother=false limit=0

The problem is that when I add where MAX in top5 I get the warning splunk Series filtering is disabled if a split-by field average.
Is there another way to get this to work?
Currently it looks like this but I want it to just show the top 5 lines.
alt text

Note: I have to take the average of db_connections due to certain db_instances having multiple events per hour

Thanks for any help.

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1 Solution

Esteemed Legend

Why can't you just use this?

...  |timechart span=1h eval(round(avg(db_connections),0)) as DB values(DB) by db_info useother=false limit=5

View solution in original post

Esteemed Legend

Why can't you just use this?

...  |timechart span=1h eval(round(avg(db_connections),0)) as DB values(DB) by db_info useother=false limit=5

|addtotals col=f row=t | sort - Total| head 5|fields - Total
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