Trying to display a phone number as a single value but it is getting formatted with commas:
What just the numbers:
Hi simpkins1958,
Try with this query, it work fine!!!!
your base search...| rex newPhoneNumber=phoneNumber mode=sed "s/,/ /g"
Eg: with this, 2,147,483,648
become 2 147 483 648
hi simpkins 1958,
use the function rmcomma()
like this |convert rmcomma(PhoneNumber)
Syntax: rmcomma(<wc-field>)
Description: Removes all commas from value, for example
rmcomma(1,000,000.00) returns 1000000.00. You can use wild card
characters in the field name.
host = jims-splunk-02 source = NetMotion sourcetype = PhoneNumber |spath | rename value as PhoneNumber|...
Can you post some sample events? Does your raw data already have commas in phone number values?
6:13:23.000 PM
{ [-]
adapterId: 351873050549463
uid: CCD77670006B3660B91BCB1C5EDB45C0
value: 12065555555
Show as raw text
host = jims-splunk-02
source = NetMotion
sourcetype = PhoneNumber
We have a phone number value of 12065555555
and it is displaying as 12,0625,555,555
Want it displayed without the commas.