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Display only weekdays in Time chart

Path Finder


Is it possible to display only weekdays in Time chart ? 

PS: I am not looking to discard the data for weekend. Just in Column chart it should not display the weekend dates

on weekend its always 0 so hoping to exclude from chart



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1 Solution


The _time field is given special treatment in most if not all charts such that a complete timeline axis is used. If you want to exclude sections, replace the _time field with another, you may want to format the time with strftime() otherwise the x-axis will just be the time in epoch format (seconds since start of 1970)

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The _time field is given special treatment in most if not all charts such that a complete timeline axis is used. If you want to exclude sections, replace the _time field with another, you may want to format the time with strftime() otherwise the x-axis will just be the time in epoch format (seconds since start of 1970)

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