Our system logs events in a bizarre way in which multiple lines of data will all relate to a single transaction, however each line will have a different attribute.
Current Relationship: Multiple events TO One transaction_id
Ideal relationship: One event TO One transaction_id
This also means that must data is duplicated - I want to merge these events all into one relating to the one unique transaction_id.
Is it possible that we upload this raw data each month and then format it correctly into single events automatically.
Example as follows:
transaction_id status date type attribute value
10001 complete 10/10/17 request name Jenny
10001 complete 10/10/17 request company Ford
10001 complete 10/10/17 request reference 564682
10001 complete 10/10/17 request amount $12,345
I would instead like it formatted as follows:
transaction_id status date type name company reference amount
10001 complete 10/10/17 request Jenny Ford 564682 $12,345
Now all events have the same number of related attributes.
Thanks in advance!
Okay, so you have key-value pairs where these three together make the key - transaction_id status date type.
This code will create fields named after the attributes, set their values, and then roll the data together into a single event
| eval {attribute} = value
| fields - attribute value
| stats values(*) as * by transaction_id status date type
| eval _time = strptime(date,"%m/%d/%y")
You might want to consider putting the csv into a temporary index each month, then using collect
after the above lines to write the combined transactions to the permanent index.
There may be better search sentences・・・
(your search) | dedup transaction_id,status,date,type
| join transaction_id [search (your search) | chart first(value) by transaction_id,attribut]
| table transaction_id,status,date,type,name,company,reference,amount
Could I perhaps use:
... | transaction transaction_id
Or is the transaction command only for combining different fields of the same value (in this case it is the same field)
@alexandermunce, you can try the following, this will not create separate new fields for specific attributes and values but will create single row for each transaction id.
| eval key=attribute."=\"".value."\""
| stats values(key) as key by transaction_id status date type
If multiple status, date and/or type are possible for each transaction_id then you would need to use list() or values() for each of such fields instead of using these in by clause.