Splunk Search

Creating a table from a single event with multivalue field

Path Finder

I have an event that has disk information like: there are hosts that have more mountpoints or less mountpoints. So I need to automate this.


Now =Ii'm trying to get a table like:
Mountpoint | used | crit ....
/ | 1828716544 | 4392484864 ...


Because there were misunderstandings, here a little bit more details:

The event can no be split because there are much more details in it that i use. The event contains only information for a single host. In the example above, there are only a few "mountpoints" in this example i have the fields /, /_crit, /_max, /_warn what are automatically extracted from Splunk.(There can be a lot more of the fields for example /var/log or /opt/ and so on So it need to be dynamic).

Now i want to calculate per "mounpoint" (like, / and /boot in the example) the usage, max...)

I was thinking it was helpful to create a MV with regex that i have all paths in a field (Path has the values / and /boot).

0 Karma
1 Solution

Path Finder
index=* sourcetype=mysourcetype check_command=disk hostname=myhostname
| dedup hostname 
| rex mode=sed "s/(\"\_(\/|\/[a-zA-Z\/]+))\"/\1_used\"/g"
| rex max_match=0 "(?<bbb>\"\_(\/|\/[a-zA-Z\/]+)\_\w+\"\:\d+\.\d+\,)" 
| table bbb | eval aaa=mvsort(bbb)
| rex max_match=0 field=aaa "\_(?<path>(\/|\/[a-zA-Z\/]+)\_used)\"\:(?<used>\d+)"
| rex max_match=0 field=aaa "_crit\":(?<crit>\d+)" 
| rex max_match=0 field=aaa "_max\":(?<max>\d+)"
| rex max_match=0 field=aaa "_warn\":(?<warn>\d+)" 
| eval zip=mvzip(path,used,"##") 
| eval zip=mvzip(zip,crit,"##")
| eval zip=mvzip(zip,max,"##")
| eval zip=mvzip(zip,warn,"##")
| mvexpand zip 
|rex max_match=0 field=zip "(?<path>.*)##(?<used>.*)##(?<crit>.*)##(?<max>.*)##(?<warn>.*)" 
| fields - zip 
| eval used=used/1024/1024
| eval crit=crit/1024/1024 
| eval max=max/1024/1024 
| eval warn=warn/1024/1024
| eval free=max-used
| eval percent=(used/max*100)
| eval percent=round(percent,0)
| table path free used  max percent
| rex mode=sed field=path "s/_used//" 

here is my result, the main event was JSON and the mountpoint were not sorted, so i need to modify first with sed the fields before i can sort i with mvsort correctly. Then i created some more MV-Fields with rex and create an "array" with mvzip.

For me, this is a good solution. I can process several fields per event in this way. it performs very well for me.

View solution in original post

0 Karma

Path Finder
index=* sourcetype=mysourcetype check_command=disk hostname=myhostname
| dedup hostname 
| rex mode=sed "s/(\"\_(\/|\/[a-zA-Z\/]+))\"/\1_used\"/g"
| rex max_match=0 "(?<bbb>\"\_(\/|\/[a-zA-Z\/]+)\_\w+\"\:\d+\.\d+\,)" 
| table bbb | eval aaa=mvsort(bbb)
| rex max_match=0 field=aaa "\_(?<path>(\/|\/[a-zA-Z\/]+)\_used)\"\:(?<used>\d+)"
| rex max_match=0 field=aaa "_crit\":(?<crit>\d+)" 
| rex max_match=0 field=aaa "_max\":(?<max>\d+)"
| rex max_match=0 field=aaa "_warn\":(?<warn>\d+)" 
| eval zip=mvzip(path,used,"##") 
| eval zip=mvzip(zip,crit,"##")
| eval zip=mvzip(zip,max,"##")
| eval zip=mvzip(zip,warn,"##")
| mvexpand zip 
|rex max_match=0 field=zip "(?<path>.*)##(?<used>.*)##(?<crit>.*)##(?<max>.*)##(?<warn>.*)" 
| fields - zip 
| eval used=used/1024/1024
| eval crit=crit/1024/1024 
| eval max=max/1024/1024 
| eval warn=warn/1024/1024
| eval free=max-used
| eval percent=(used/max*100)
| eval percent=round(percent,0)
| table path free used  max percent
| rex mode=sed field=path "s/_used//" 

here is my result, the main event was JSON and the mountpoint were not sorted, so i need to modify first with sed the fields before i can sort i with mvsort correctly. Then i created some more MV-Fields with rex and create an "array" with mvzip.

For me, this is a good solution. I can process several fields per event in this way. it performs very well for me.

0 Karma


If you are trying to get a horizontal table of all mountpoints for each host, then this will calculate them.

 your base search which includes hostname and multivalued field Mountpoint 
 | table hostname Mountpoint
 | mvexpand Mountpoint 
 | rex field=Mountpoint "(?<Mountpoint>[^\=]+)\=(?<used>\d+)" 

 | rename COMMENT as "Deal with things that wouldn't be valid variable names"
 | replace "\\" WITH "XX_" IN Mountpoint
 | eval {Mountpoint} = used
 | fields - Mountpoint used
 | stats values(*) as * by hostname

At this point, the values are splayed out horizontally, but I'm not sure how useful that will be to look at. Using chart with useother=f will give you a pretty wide thing to look at.

Unless you have a reason to want to compare the mountpoints across hosts, you might be better off going this way...

 your base search which includes hostname and multivalued field Mountpoint 
 | table hostname Mountpoint
 | mvexpand Mountpoint 
 | rex field=Mountpoint "(?<Mountpoint>[^\=]+)\=(?<used>\d+)" 
 | sort 0 hostname Mountpoint
 | stats list(Mountpoint) as Mountpoint  list(used) as used by hostname
0 Karma

Path Finder

hi, thanks for your answer. I don't think that works. I update the question, that the question is more understandable.

0 Karma


@ColinCH - I don't recognize why _crit would roll up, or what the rest of your desired chart might look like.

@somesoni2's answer will work if you are willing to take each individual mountpount as listed.

If you want to roll up the mountpoints, like if everything under / needs to be tabled somehow as belonging to /, and everything under /foo/bar needs to be rolled up to /foo, then you should give us a clear picture of what the specs might be, with example data and the layout, more than a single line.

0 Karma

Revered Legend

Try like this

your base search which includes multivalued field Mountpoint 
| mvexpand Mountpoint 
| rex field=Mountpoint "(?<Mountpoint>[^\=]+)\=(?<used>\d+)" 
| table Mountpoint used ..anyother field you need

Path Finder

Thanks, but that is not what i want. I've updates my initial question. So there are much more detail now.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Are the values consistent in the multivalue field? If so, you could use mvindex to create a field for each.

YOUR BASE SEARCH | | eval field1=mvindex(bytes,0) | eval field2=mvindex(bytes,1)
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