I have an application that generates a value that I pull the highest value for each day.
Right now the entire app log is in my indexer, but I only need to store the highest app value and the date stamp for that date. I'd like to do this to save space on my indexer since I have limited resources to use.
I initially created a csv based lookup file with a search that pulled the _time and app values I need, but I then realized I cannot properly address the time field in a search that uses the lookup file.
Here is an example of how that data looks:
_time app_value
2019-02-26 783
2019-02-27 16091
2019-02-28 11870
2019-03-01 1575
2019-03-02 433
2019-03-03 224
2019-03-04 1893
2019-03-05 10223
2019-03-06 11116
2019-03-07 12822
2019-03-08 1835
2019-03-09 44
I need to either configure this lookup file or possibly a KV store in order for me to be able to pull the app values in a search by a given hour period, day, week, month, year to date, current year, previous year, etc. I have access to over two years worth of data in my indexer to build the initial lookup file. I plan on appending the lookup file each data with the new value.
It would be a bonus if I could use the time picker to choose my date ranges. I have tried a few searches with date references in the search but those did not work. I no longer have those failed test searches.
I have IMO spent too much time trying to get this to work on my own, so I am reaching out to the community for help.
Thank You!!
You are mistaken; you can do a time-based lookup
and that is exactly what you should do:
I will look into this option as well. Thank You!
Be sure to come back here and let us know what you ended up doing and close out the question.
Hi arrcee,
have you ever thought of using a Summary Index instead of a lookup?
You could schedule a daily search (for example at 1.00) a daily search obtaining a result every day with all the information you need and then save this result in a Summary Index, consuming a really negligible amount of disk space and having the info that you they serve.
You can do this using the collect command (see https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/7.3.0/SearchReference/Collect).
Then you can have these information searching on this Summary index.
I have not. Thank you for the suggestion. I'll look into that.