Ok, so I understand how to eval something like this:
index=mystuff | eval
NewBigField=firstname + "-" + lastname
+ "-" + phonenumber
But there is a problem. Not all events will have "phonenumber" in them. This breaks the eval, so NewBigField gets populated with nothing instead of just firstname and lastname.
Going one step further, there are around 50 fields like phone number that may or may not exist in an event which I need to put into one big field with an eval.
What is the easiest way to create this new big field in a working fashion with dynamic fields? The only current option I see right now is 50 coalesce statements which is unacceptable.
Hi thisissplunk,
use fillnull
like this
index=mystuff | fillnull value="no number" phonenumber | eval NewBigField=firstname + "-" + lastname + "-" + phonenumber
hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS
I have to post this as new answer, since it is too big for a comment 🙂
Take this run everywhere example based on two field extractions using regex and it works perfectly:
index=_internal | head 1 | eval myFoo="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas lorem eros, vehicula sed justo at, feugiat imperdiet arcu. Phasellus auctor mauris sapien, eget eleifend ante mollis eget. Aliquam id leo aliquam, auctor quam et, sollicitudin mauris. Pellentesque sagittis molestie quam. Aenean eu aliquet nisl. Donec ornare nisl ipsum, sed ultricies sapien varius nec. Mauris arcu quam, interdum in tincidunt et, ultrices in nisl. Sed et quam justo. Vestibulum imperdiet, neque ut consequat sodales, ipsum neque euismod massa, vel dignissim quam felis sed massa. Sed lacinia velit et lorem interdum venenatis. Pellentesque a blandit ipsum, in interdum lorem. Etiam risus lorem, facilisis eu mauris eget, porta viverra nulla." | rex field=myFoo "\w+\s(?<myRex>\w+)\s" | rex field=myFoo "\d+\s(?<myNotRex>\w+)\s" | fillnull value="no hit" | table myRex myNotRex
this will return a table like this image below, where the field myNotRex
with the not matching regex will be filled by fillnull
using the value "no hit"
cheers, MuS
Hi thisissplunk,
use fillnull
like this
index=mystuff | fillnull value="no number" phonenumber | eval NewBigField=firstname + "-" + lastname + "-" + phonenumber
hope this helps ...
cheers, MuS
So to complicate this further, these fields are not actually fields. They are being extracted by Splunk and displayed as fields on the left hand column. In reality they are bits and peices taken out of a huge field in the event.
Fillnull can't work because when a field like phonenumber is empty at the source, it is never brought into Splunk in the first place. Arg. Sounds like I'll need to get with our Splunk guys.
This is great and I'll be testing soon. Thanks!
Yes just use it likt this
fillnull value="whateveryouneed"
If you don't provide any field as fillnull option, fillnull will use all available fileds
Seems like this will work, but is there any way to accomplish my goal without adding 50 extra statements (one for every possible field)? Maybe something like
fillnull value="no number" *