I want to count userid that are in more than one bucket. The goal is to see how many users are returning users. I used first the transaction command, but it did not meet my needs.
base search userId!="" | bucket span=1day _time | stats dc(userId) as UniqueUsers by _time
What I really want is to evaluate the number of users that registered more than bucket span over a given periord of time.
If you want to see the users that registered more than one bucket span over a period of time we can just reverse the fields in the stats command:
base search userId!="" | bucket span=1day _time | stats dc(_time) as UniqueBuckets by userid | sort - UniqueBuckets
Give this a try
base search userId!="" | bucket span=1day _time
| stats dc(_time) as reportedBuckets by userId
| eventstats count as totalUsers
| where reportedBuckets>1
| stats count as userReportingMultiBucket max(totalUsers) as totalUsers
| ...percent calculation goes here...
Thank you this worked great!
If you want to see the users that registered more than one bucket span over a period of time we can just reverse the fields in the stats command:
base search userId!="" | bucket span=1day _time | stats dc(_time) as UniqueBuckets by userid | sort - UniqueBuckets
Thank you so much for the quick answer.