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Convert #B/KB/MB/GB into bytes without a unit?


Hey everyone. Searching around, I see tons of answers related to converting numerical bytes into KB/MB/GB/TB. However, I can't seem to find any answers going in the other direction.

We have fields that can have values formatted as any of the following

  • 123B
  • 123KB
  • 123MB
  • 123GB
  • 123TB

The unit used can vary by event. So the same field might be 123B in one event, then 123MB in the next event, and 123KB in the next one. I want to strip the unit off, and convert everything into bytes (I don't mind trailing zeros). How would I go about doing this?

I am assuming I would need to strip the value, convert to a number, but how would I do an "if" if the unit type has already been stripped?

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1 Solution

Revered Legend

Give this a try (run anywhere sample)

| gentimes start=-1 | eval WithUnit="123B 123KB 123MB 123GB 123TB" | makemv WithUnit | table WithUnit | mvexpand WithUnit
| rex field=WithUnit "^(?<Value>\d+)(?<Unit>\w*)$" | eval factor=case(Unit="B",1,Unit="KB",1024,Unit="MB",1024*1024,Unit="GB",1024*1024*1024,Unit="TB",11024*1024*1024*1024,true(),1) 
| eval InBytes=Value*factor

View solution in original post

Revered Legend

Give this a try (run anywhere sample)

| gentimes start=-1 | eval WithUnit="123B 123KB 123MB 123GB 123TB" | makemv WithUnit | table WithUnit | mvexpand WithUnit
| rex field=WithUnit "^(?<Value>\d+)(?<Unit>\w*)$" | eval factor=case(Unit="B",1,Unit="KB",1024,Unit="MB",1024*1024,Unit="GB",1024*1024*1024,Unit="TB",11024*1024*1024*1024,true(),1) 
| eval InBytes=Value*factor


What about fields with dot?
rex field=WithUnit "^(?\d*.\d*)(?\w*)$"

How to round them?

0 Karma


Good answer. (Missing a double quote in the first eval.)


Awesome, thanks! This is actually the path I had been starting to take, but the case statement makes it a whole lot nicer than several eval if statements. I'm stealing.

0 Karma

Revered Legend


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