I am using the below query to output which of our Searches/Rules are mapped to which Mitre Technique IDs.
| inputlookup mitre_all_rule_technique_lookup
| `lookup_technique_tactic_from_rule_name`
| search rule_disabled=0
| dedup rule_name, technique_id, rule_disabled
The Result is as follows:
rule_name | tactic_ID | tactic_name | Technique_ID | Tecnique_name |
Rule001 | TA001 | Persistence | T1136 | Create Account |
Rule001 | TA002 | Persistence | T1098 | Account Manipulation |
Rule001 | TA008 | Defense Evasion | Txxxx | Modify infrastructrue |
As you can see , it is showing different entries for the same data in the "rule_name" column . The Rule mentioned in the Rule_name column is mapped to 3 different Tactic_ID ,Technique_IDs etc which is why it shows 3 results for the same rule. How can i consolidate all this ?
Basically this is the output i want :
rule_name | tactic_ID | tactic_name | Technique_ID | Technique_name |
Rule001 | TA001 TA002 TA008 | Persistence Persistence Defense Evasion | T1136 T1098 TXXXX | Create Account Account Manipulation Modify infrastructure |
Rule002 | TAxxx TAXXX | .... | ..... | ...... |
If i change my dedup command in the query to: | dedup rule_name , then it displays only the 1st row of every rule_name and omits the remaining values.
Pls advise. I am sure this is something very fundamental.
Hi @neerajs_81,
did you tried to use the stats command?
something like this:
| inputlookup mitre_all_rule_technique_lookup
| `lookup_technique_tactic_from_rule_name`
| search rule_disabled=0
| stats
values(tactic_ID) AS tactic_ID
values(tactic_name) AS tactic_name
values(Technique_ID) AS Technique_ID
values(Tecnique_name) AS Tecnique_name
BY rule_name
Hi @neerajs_81,
did you tried to use the stats command?
something like this:
| inputlookup mitre_all_rule_technique_lookup
| `lookup_technique_tactic_from_rule_name`
| search rule_disabled=0
| stats
values(tactic_ID) AS tactic_ID
values(tactic_name) AS tactic_name
values(Technique_ID) AS Technique_ID
values(Tecnique_name) AS Tecnique_name
BY rule_name
Hi @neerajs_81,
good for you, see next time.
Ciao and happy splunking.
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉