Hi, Let's say "user X" visited my site on these dates:
How can I count the number of consequent days "user X" visited?
I would like for the output to be
User X - 3 (consequent days)
User X - 2 (consequent days)
I'll appreciate any ideas:)
Try this
yoursearchhere |
bucket _time span=1d |
dedup user _time |
transaction user maxpause=1d |
table user eventcount | sort user
After you have done your search, whatever it is, the commands that follow
Try this
yoursearchhere |
bucket _time span=1d |
dedup user _time |
transaction user maxpause=1d |
table user eventcount | sort user
After you have done your search, whatever it is, the commands that follow
Ok thanks very much:)
I couldn't figure out how to do that, but this version will list the date/times for each user along with the count:
yoursearchhere |
fields user | eval datetime=strftime(_time,"%x %X") |
bucket _time span=1d |
dedup user _time |
transaction user maxpause=1d mvlist=datetime|
sort user _time |
table user eventcount datetime
Thanks:) it works very good.
I was also wondering if there is a way to define a condition to limit events with 8 hour difference between them when they occur on two consecutive days.
For example when the user visited on
2/3/2012 23:50
2/4/2012 00:15
I don't want to count this case as two consecutive days.
Is it possible or I'm asking too much?