Hi, I’m trying to make a stacked bar chart visualization where my y axis is milliseconds, my x axis is a task ID, and I’m splitting by a stage ID. My query is:
| chart max("duration") over task_id by "stage_id" | table task_id, stage_1, stage_2, stage_3, *
In my results, tasks where stage 1 occurred are so long that they make all the other bars look really tiny. Is there a way that I could add to my query to filter out the task_ids where stage_1 occurred?
You could add a where clause to remove rows where stage_1 values is null or =0
| where isnull(stage_1) OR stage_1=0
or you could make the y-axis log scale, which would reduce the impact of the stage_1 values if that works for you.
You could add a where clause to remove rows where stage_1 values is null or =0
| where isnull(stage_1) OR stage_1=0
or you could make the y-axis log scale, which would reduce the impact of the stage_1 values if that works for you.