I have a log that outputs a table every day of issues that occur between two parties. I'm able to split the output table into individual events so that I can graph the NumberofIssues by Party1 or Party2, but what I'm really looking for is the root cause, the 'common denominator'. I would like to show which party is the real one causing issues. I would like to graph the total NumberofIssues that any party is involved with regardless if it is listed under 'Party1' or 'Party2'.
An example of my data is:
Desired outcome:
So now I would be able to make a column chart and easily spot that D is causing all sorts of issues.
Thank you!
Try this:
| eval Party = Party1 + "," + Party2
| makemv delim="," Party
| mvexpand Party
| stats sum(NumberOfIssues) as Total by Party
| sort -Total
Try this:
| eval Party = Party1 + "," + Party2
| makemv delim="," Party
| mvexpand Party
| stats sum(NumberOfIssues) as Total by Party
| sort -Total
You may want to try to split the data into two sets and run a join on them. Something like this:
<base search> | table party1, NumberofIssues | rename party1 as id | join party2 [search <base search> | rename NumberofIssues as NumberofIssues2, party2 as id | table id, NumberofIssues2] | eval NewNumberOfIssues = NumberofIssues + NumberofIssues2 | table id, NewNumberOfIssues
You may need to use a full outer join rather than a simple join. But this should get you started.
Hope this helps