I am new to splunk and have the following question. Below is snippet from a syslog logging. I would like to show the value behind (fordblks): in a chart based on _time.
[10-25 06:22:01,010] [freecwmpUTCd main 728] INF (statistics) MEM:1187840 | Total allocated space (uordblks): 997960
[10-25 06:22:01,010] [freecwmpUTCd main 728] INF (statistics) MEM:1187840 | Total free space (fordblks): 189880
I have tried rex and split and mvindex commands but I don't get it to work yet. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Below should give you the value for fordblks and then you can chart.
|rex field=_raw "fordblks\):\s+(?<MY_VALUE>\d+)"
The code below is working as expected:
my search |rex field=_raw "fordblks):\s+(?\d+)" | stats values(MY_VALUE) by _time my_process
note: my_process is an additional field so the statistics for 'fordblks' will be spitted up for multiple processes, which is very nice addition.
I only notice the search updates (live search) can take quite long. Maybe due to my (slow) Intel Celeron processor.
Below should give you the value for fordblks and then you can chart.
|rex field=_raw "fordblks\):\s+(?<MY_VALUE>\d+)"
Thank you very much!
The code below works fine.
|rex field=_raw "fordblks):\s+(?\d+)" | table _time MY_VALUE
How can I now present information in a chart instead of table?
If you have different values for time, then fields _time,MY_VALUE
itself could be visualized in a graph.
Or stats values(MY_VALUE) by _time
or chart max(MY_VALUE) by _time
depends on your requirement.