When I create a graph plotting the delay in a message using count by delay:
eval Delay = strptime(Time, "%H:%M:%S") - strptime(substr(MessageTime, -4), "%H%M") | fieldformat Delay=substr(tostring(Delay,"duration"),1,8) | stats count by Delay
The graph looks ok, but when I click on a value, no events are shown. Splunk adds e.g. Delay="00:02:17" to the search, but the original Delay was in seconds and it should add Delay="137.000000" to the search. Is there a way to click on the graph but keep the ability to format the representation?
If you put the chart in a dashboard, you can set "dynamic drilldown" - this allows you to control what happens when you click. You can control exactly what is displayed when the user clicks, opening another search, another chart, etc.
Here is a link to the documentation: Dynamic Drilldown in dashboards and forms
There are also a lot of questions about "drilldown" in this forum, just watch the date and distinguish between versions of Splunk!
If you put the chart in a dashboard, you can set "dynamic drilldown" - this allows you to control what happens when you click. You can control exactly what is displayed when the user clicks, opening another search, another chart, etc.
Here is a link to the documentation: Dynamic Drilldown in dashboards and forms
There are also a lot of questions about "drilldown" in this forum, just watch the date and distinguish between versions of Splunk!