I'm having an issue with a visualization. Works fine if I don't try to do the fancy eval but won't plot out in visualization when I do.
index="bro" sourcetype="bro_conn" dest_ipi_zone="INT" dest_ipi_zone="INT" TERM( bytes>=50000
| eval bytes+=case(
bytes>=(1024*1024*1024*1024),round(bytes/(1024*1024*1024*1024),0)." TB",
bytes>=(1024*1024*1024),round(bytes/(1024*1024*1024),0)." GB",
bytes>=(1024*1024),round(bytes/(1024*1024),0)." MB",
bytes>=1024,round(bytes/1024,0)." KB",
1=1,bytes." B")
| lookup dnslookup clientip as dest_ip output clienthost as dest_dns
| eval time=strftime(_time,"%Y/%m/%d %H:%M")
| bucket time span=4h
| chart values(bytes+) by time dest_dns usenull=f useother=f limit=5
By "fancy eval" do you mean the eval
that creates the 'bytes+' field? If so, have you tried using a field name without '+' in it?
Yes, that's just the name of the new field. I named it bytess, bytes1, etc. Doesn't make a difference :'(
So what is the query that works?
I don't know, that's what I'm asking Splunk Answers for.
"Works fine if I don't try to do the fancy eval ". Please share the part that works fine.