Hi, I have a realtime chart that monitors the current messages in queue,
my search string right now is
host=host1 sourcetype="Perfmon:MSMQ Queue" "instance=instance2" OR "instance=instance1"
sometimes no results are returned due to the queue having 0 messages for over a long period of time,
Is it possible on splunk line chart to force it to show 0 value when no results are returned?
thanks in advance
It really depends on your timechart statement. Assuming that you measure instance1 and instance2 counts you can force both metrics to appear by adding | fillnull value=0 instance1 instance2
after your timechart statement.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you'd like a timechart of how many messages you are receiving over time. If so, try this:
host=host1 sourcetype="Perfmon:MSMQ Queue" instance="instance2" OR instance="instance1" | timechart count
host=host1 sourcetype="Perfmon:MSMQ Queue" instance="instance2" OR instance="instance1" | stats count
This will show the current count of events, even when it's 0. Is there a specific counter you are looking for?