Splunk Search

Changing position of addtotals label Field

Path Finder

I'm using the addtotals command to sum values I have in a given column of a report. The total shows up just like I want however I'm trying to figure out how to put a descriptive name to it in a specific position. Here's my table that my search string produces:

Parameter Breakdown                                     count
Reports with RF Paramaters values as n/a              6
Reports with RxPwr out of spec                      2
Reports with TxPwr value out of spec                  8

Here are the last few lines of my search string:

| chart count by RFFailure_Stats
| rename RFFailure_Stats AS "Parameter Breakdown"
| addtotals col=t row=f

What I'd like to see is the following:

Parameter Breakdown                                count
Reports with RF Paramaters values as n/a    6
Reports with RxPwr out of spec                          2
Reports with TxPwr value out of spec            8
Total Count                                                           16                 <<<<<<<

If I use

| addtotals col=t row=f labelfield=Total_count

I get the following:

Parameter Breakdown                                count  Total_count
Reports with RF Paramaters values as n/a    6
Reports with RxPwr out of spec                          2
Reports with TxPwr value out of spec            8
                                                                                16       Total

Is there a way to accomplish what I am after?

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1 Solution

Revered Legend

Try this

 ...your base search...| chart count by RFFailure_Stats
| addtotals col=t row=f labelfield=RFFailure_Stats label="Total count"
| rename RFFailure_Stats AS "Parameter Breakdown"

View solution in original post

Revered Legend

Try this

 ...your base search...| chart count by RFFailure_Stats
| addtotals col=t row=f labelfield=RFFailure_Stats label="Total count"
| rename RFFailure_Stats AS "Parameter Breakdown"

Path Finder

I have it working now. Thanks again for the suggestion.

0 Karma


Please mark this as answered in this case - thx

0 Karma


Using somesoni2 example worked over here:

index=_internal | stats sum(bytes) as bytes by user | addtotals col=t row=f fieldname=bytes label="Total Bytes" labelfield="user" | rename user as "Splunk Users"

Path Finder

Thanks for your response. Tried what you suggested and got the same result.

0 Karma
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