Here is my code . I want my field record_type to contain only the events/records that contain either of the keywords
****(index=jar1 sourcetype=toss1 shop AND fruits) OR
(index=jar2 sourcetype=toss2 shop AND meat) OR
(index=jar3 sourcetype=toss3 shop AND "green vegetables")
| rex "(?<record_type>|fruits|meat|green vegetables)"
| fields record_type **<==== It only shows me records of "green vegetables" type****
| eval shopping_time=case(record_type="fruits", _time) bla bla bla <=== gives me no result because record_type only grabs green vegateble words containing records/events.**
Any suggestion?
I suspect the rex statement needs modification !
Can you remove the pipe before fruits and try? also use max_match=0 to get all the occurrences.
****(index=jar1 sourcetype=toss1 shop AND fruits) OR
(index=jar2 sourcetype=toss2 shop AND meat) OR
(index=jar3 sourcetype=toss3 shop AND "green vegetables")
| rex max_match=0 "(?<record_type>fruits|meat|green vegetables)"
| fields record_type **<==== It only shows me records of "green vegetables" type****
| eval shopping_time=case(record_type="fruits", _time) bla bla bla <=== gives me no result because record_type only grabs green vegateble words containing records/events.**
Can you remove the pipe before fruits and try? also use max_match=0 to get all the occurrences.
****(index=jar1 sourcetype=toss1 shop AND fruits) OR
(index=jar2 sourcetype=toss2 shop AND meat) OR
(index=jar3 sourcetype=toss3 shop AND "green vegetables")
| rex max_match=0 "(?<record_type>fruits|meat|green vegetables)"
| fields record_type **<==== It only shows me records of "green vegetables" type****
| eval shopping_time=case(record_type="fruits", _time) bla bla bla <=== gives me no result because record_type only grabs green vegateble words containing records/events.**
Thanks. It helps.
Cool. Then I will change this as answer. Please accept it.