How do I format the x-axis to look like the first picture from the timechart documentation? To clarify,I want to have grouped labels for the hour, day / month, and year.
Currently, my x-axis looks like the second image.
Thanks for any help
your line chart looks like it is not coming from the timechart
Do you use the _time
field? Or just time
with values of the format %FT%T%z
I tried to copy your effect and avoid using timechart
on some internal data (last 24h):
index = _internal sourcetype=splunkd component=*process*
| stats count by component _time
| eval _time=strftime(_time,"%FT%T%z")
| xyseries _time component count
Even then the splunk search visulization formats my x axis of the line chart with "good" time labels.
But if I use this instead:
index = _internal sourcetype=splunkd component=*process*
| stats count by component _time
| eval time=strftime(_time,"%FT%T%z")
| xyseries time component count
The labels of the x axis look like in your chart.
Does this help?
| eval server=substr(source, 11, 6)
| search FunctionAction=ll.browse AND server=wfe* AND date_hour>=6 AND date_hour<18
| timechart cont=FALSE span=3h
eval(round(avg(ExecutionTime),2)) as AvgExec
by server
Thanks for the help, I've posted my query above and I'm using the timechart in it. I ran your query and got the same display results initially but as it got more stats, splunk formatted the x-axis. To be clear, I want to get the formatting shown in the first image.
timechart will format the x-axis for you depending on the timeframe and span you are using.
Try this
| timechart .....
| fieldformat _time = strftime(_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
I uploaded what my graph currently looks like, is there a way to make the x-axis be formatted like the first image?