Is there a way for a search to determine its own sample ratio at search time?
This would be helpful when scaling results based on the sample ratio. For example, if a eventtype=myevent | stats count
returns 57 at sample of 10:1, then I can estimate than a full search (no sample) would return a count of ~ 570.
Seems like the should be away to do this with some combination of addinfo
and possibly rest
Something like this?
| addinfo
| stats values(info_sid) as sid
| join sid
[| rest /services/search/jobs
| stats values(request.sample_ratio) AS request.sample_ratio by sid ]
Here's an expanded example that approaches the problem in a slightly different way. It only lookups up a single job via the REST request, but yet is has an extra subsearch (not sure the performance implications.)
| stats count
| appendcols
[ rest splunk_server=local /services/search/jobs
[ makeresults
| addinfo
| eval sid=replace(info_sid, "^.*subsearch_(.*?\d+\.\d+)_.*$", "\1")
| eval search="search=sid=".sid
| table search ]
| table request.* ]
Note that the use of appendcols
requires results not events as an input. (Think "Events" tab vs "Statistics" tab.) It's also possible to use append
or (preferably) appendpipe
but then you'll only have a single result at the end that contains the request.*
fields, which is still workable in some situations, but a bit less ideal.
Something like this?
| addinfo
| stats values(info_sid) as sid
| join sid
[| rest /services/search/jobs
| stats values(request.sample_ratio) AS request.sample_ratio by sid ]
Well, I was really hoping for a hidden argument to addinfo
that would give it to me. (Seems like the output of that command hasn't been updated since like the Splunk 3.x days, despite a massive increase in product functionality since then.)
But that works assuming you don't end up with more than 1000 search jobs. I'd probably add a splunk_server=local
to the rest command.