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Calculating % error rate from a single field for a timechart

Path Finder

Hey All,

I'm trying to make a timechart that shows the % of un-successful requests processed every hour. Success (or not) is represented in the 'info' field as 4 separate values: granted, canceled, failed, and completed. I'd like to group 'failed/canceled' into a single value called 'errors', and then divide errors by total requests to get a error rate percentage.

| eval status=if(IN(info,"canceled","failed"), "failed","success")

| timechart count(status) by status

The snippet above let's me generate a 'stacked 100%' chart that comes close, but I really am looking for a line chart that shows only error rate percentage. If feels like I'm missing something ultra basic, but I haven't found an answer yet. Seems like it should be close to

| stats = count as total
| eval status=if(IN(info,"canceled","failed"), "1","0")

| eval error_rate = count(status)/total

Tips appreciated!


1 Solution




|timechart span=1h count as total,count(eval(status=="canceled" OR status=="failed")) as error
| eval error_rate=error/total
| fields - total,count

Adjust the fields/calcs according to your final requirements.

What goes around comes around. If it helps, hit it with Karma 🙂

View solution in original post




|timechart span=1h count as total,count(eval(status=="canceled" OR status=="failed")) as error
| eval error_rate=error/total
| fields - total,count

Adjust the fields/calcs according to your final requirements.

What goes around comes around. If it helps, hit it with Karma 🙂

Path Finder

Thank you Renjith! This gets me very close. What I'd like to do is show only the error rate. This shows the total, error and error rate lines. Got a tip on how to calculate error rate without showing total & count?

0 Karma


@dreeck, yep just remove the fields using

|fields - total,count

Updated the answer

What goes around comes around. If it helps, hit it with Karma 🙂
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