I am trying to figure out how to calculate the highest number of transaction per second for a given day. I would like the output to print the time and count. For example, at 10/11/2013 12:30:33 pm, 45 TPS
I cannot seem to figure out the query.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Use tstats if possible for performance:
| tstats count where index=APPAUTH earliest=-1w by _time span=1s | timechart span=1d max(count)
You can shorten the calculation a bit to;
index=appauth AUTH earliest=-1w | bucket _time span=1s | top 1 _time by date_mday | fields - percent, date_mday
Just change the earliest
value as needed.
I figured out how to calculate the max tps for a given day using the following query
index=appauth AUTH earliest=-1d|bucket _time span=1s|stats count by _time|sort by count,time DESC limit=1
However, I would also like to display the max tps per day over a week.
Any ideas?
Do you have any resolution for this? Please post if you have any sample query.