Thanks in advance...
xxxxxxxx|xx -> Finished embeding fallback task 00:01:00.0004165
Out-put should look like : ** (AVG) embeding fallback duration 54.50041135**
"Finished embeding fallback task*" sourcetype="Doctrackr" index="staging2" | rex field=_raw "Finished embeding fallback task (?.\d+)" |eval duration=strptime(embeding_fallback_task_duration,"%H:%M:%S")| eval base=strptime("00:00:00.00","%H:%M:%S") | eval secs=duration-base | stats avg(duration) as "(AVG) embeding fallback duration"
Thank you.... found a fix
"Finished embeding fallback task*" sourcetype="Doctrackr" index="staging2" | rex field=_raw "Finished embeding fallback task (?.\d+):(?.\d+):(?.\d+).(?.\d+)" | eval embeding_fallback_task_duration = ((hours*60*60)+(minutes*60)+seconds+(subSeconds/1000000)) | stats avg(embeding_fallback_task_duration)
Finished embeding fallback task 00:00:00.1918088
Finished embeding fallback task 00:00:00.1136647
Out put...
Because your regex will only match the 00:00:00
hours:minute:seconds numbers and none of the .subsecond
This seems to be working...
"Finished embeding fallback task*" sourcetype="Doctrackr" index="staging2" | rex field=_raw "Finished embeding fallback task (?.\d+):(?.\d+):(?.\d+)" | eval embeding_fallback_task_duration = ((hours*60*60)+(minutes*60)+seconds) | timechart avg(embeding_fallback_task_duration)
Finished embeding fallback task 00:00:00.1284716
Finished embeding fallback task 00:00:00.1496968
Out-put i am getting...
Are your duarion and secs fields calculated correctly before the stats?
I think your stats avg(duration)
should be stats avg(secs)
Thanks for the correction.....still not returning any output..
Finished embeding fallback task*" sourcetype="Doctrackr" index="staging2" | rex field=_raw "Finished embeding fallback task (?.d+)" |eval duration=strptime(embeding_fallback_task_duration,"%H:%M:%S")| eval base=strptime("00:00:00.00","%H:%M:%S") | eval secs=duration-base | stats avg(secs) as "(AVG) embeding fallback duration"