Splunk Search

Bar + line in chart?

New Member

I have two types of events, where the important data looks like this:

    "acknowledged": false,
    "time": 1588289278000,
    "acknowledged": {
      "time": 1588232449000,
      "username": "admin"
    "time": 1588145193000,

Per day, I want a bar chart of the count of the events that contains an acknowledge object. I also want to plot a line that contains the average acknowledgement time (acknowledged.time - time).

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1 Solution

Ultra Champion

write your query that calculates the average acknowledgement time and the count of events over time then when using the bar chart, click edit and use chart overlay. pick the desired field as overlay line over the bar

View solution in original post

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Ultra Champion

write your query that calculates the average acknowledgement time and the count of events over time then when using the bar chart, click edit and use chart overlay. pick the desired field as overlay line over the bar

0 Karma

New Member

Thanks. Solved the problem

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