| tstats count, values(Processes.dest) as dest, dc(Processes.dest) as dest_dc, min(_time) as earliest, max(_time) as latest, values(Processes.user) as user, dc(Processes.user) as user_dc from datamodel=Endpoint.Processes by Processes.process_guid Processes.parent_process_guid Processes.parent_process Processes.parent_process_path Processes.process Processes.process_path Processes.process_hash Processes.user | rex field=Processes.process_hash "MD5=(?<process_md5>[A-Z0-9]+)" | `drop_dm_object_name(Processes)` | lookup sysmon_rules parent_process parent_process_path process process_path process_md5 OUTPUT description score
score,description,parent_process_path,parent_process,process_path,process,process_md5 80,Office: Execution MSHTA,C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office*,*,*\mshta.exe,*,* 80,Office: Execution PWSH,C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office*,*,*\powershell.exe,*,* 80,Office: Execution WSCRIPT,C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office*,*,*\wscript.exe,*,* 80,Office: Execution CMD,C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office*,*,*\cmd.exe,*,*
score,description,parent_process_path,parent_process,process_path,process,process_md5 80,Office: Execution susp child,(?i)C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office.*,.*,(cmd.exe|wscript.exe|powershell.exe|mshta.exe),.*,.*
Have you considered data normalization? Instead of one lookup, use orthogonal lookups.
score | description | parent_process_path | parent_process | path_match | process | process_md5 |
80 | Office: Execution susp child 1 | C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office* | * | susp 1 | * | * |
process_path | susp_child |
*\mshta.exe | susp 1 |
*\powershell.exe | susp 1 |
*\wscript.exe | susp 1 |
*\cmd.exe | susp 1 |
*\someother.exe | susp 2 |
Then, use this search
| tstats count, values(Processes.dest) as dest, dc(Processes.dest) as dest_dc,
min(_time) as earliest, max(_time) as latest, values(Processes.user) as user,
dc(Processes.user) as user_dc from datamodel=Endpoint.Processes
by Processes.process_guid Processes.parent_process_guid Processes.parent_process
Processes.parent_process_path Processes.process Processes.process_path
Processes.process_hash Processes.user
| rex field=Processes.process_hash "MD5=(?<process_md5>[A-Z0-9]+)"
| `drop_dm_object_name(Processes)`
| lookup susp_child process_path output susp_child
| lookup sysmon_rules parent_process parent_process_path process susp_child process_md5 OUTPUT description score
Thank you for your suggestion. This solution works from a technical point of view and reduces some redundant information in the lookup. The consequence ist, that analysts who maintain and modify the lookups will need to manage multiple lookups which adds a layer of complexity to the search.
I thought analysts were such data nerds they could normalize a database with hands tied in the back😉
But OK if they are not. All you need to do is to design a language that they can work with, then, produce the actual lookup programmatically.
For example, they can use "|" to represent logical "OR" like in many programming languages, and input the following rule:
description | parent_process | parent_process_path | process | process_md5 | process_path | score |
Office: Execution susp child (cmd) | * | C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office* | * | * | cmd.exe|wscript.exe|powershell.exe|mshta.exe | 80 |
Save this to analyst_rule.csv. Then run the following:
| inputcsv analyst_rule.csv
| eval process_path = split(process_path, "|")
| mvexpand process_path
| eval description = description . " (" . replace(process_path, "\..+", "") . ")" ``` this is perhaps unnecessary ```
| outputlookup real_rule
The real_rule table will look like
description | parent_process | parent_process_path | process | process_md5 | process_path | score |
Office: Execution susp child (cmd) | * | C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office* | * | * | cmd.exe | 80 |
Office: Execution susp child (wscript) | * | C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office* | * | * | wscript.exe | 80 |
Office: Execution susp child (powershell) | * | C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office* | * | * | powershell.exe | 80 |
Office: Execution susp child (mshta) | * | C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office* | * | * | mshta.exe | 80 |
This is just one of possible solutions to improve usability.