In my search query, I have 2 searches
1. This gives stats for today
2. This gives stats for the period entered as parameters to the panel (which is a) Last week same day/time b) Last month same day time c) Yesterday same day/time
The issue i am facing is if we have no events for 1 and 2, I need to show 0 as stats for both the mentioned criteria's along with dates
Date Requests
12/31/2016 0
12/30/2016 0
same as
12/31/2016 --> 0
12/24/2016 ---> 0
I need the above so that i can put a single value field with trend charts
[| gentimes start=-1
| eval earliest=if(lower(strftime(now(),"%A"))="monday", "-3d@d", "-1d@d")
| eval latest=if(lower(strftime(now(),"%A"))="monday","-3d@s", "-1d@s")
| table earliest, latest | format "" "" "" "" "" ""] index=yy sourcetype=zz
| search "xx"
| spath output=OpName path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.operationName
| spath output=EvType path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.eventTypeCode
| spath output=state path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.state
| spath output=Line_Count path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.recordCount
| spath output=Org_Code path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.attribute1
| spath output=TimeZone path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.attribute2
| spath output=ccpath=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.attribute3
| eval combined=mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(OpName,EvType),state),Line_Count),Org_Code),TimeZone),cc)
| mvexpand combined|eval combined=split(combined,",")
| eval OpName=mvindex(combined,0)
| eval EvType=mvindex(combined,1)
| eval state=mvindex(combined,2)
| eval Line_Count=mvindex(combined,3)
| eval Org_Code =mvindex(combined,4)
| eval TimeZone =mvindex(combined,5)
| eval cc=mvindex(combined,6)
| where OpName="abc"|append
[search earliest=@d index=yy sourcetype=zz
| search "xx"
| spath output=OpName path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.operationName
| spath output=EvType path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.eventTypeCode
| spath output=state path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.state
| spath output=Line_Count path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.recordCount
| spath output=Org_Code path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.attribute1
| spath output=TimeZone path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.attribute2
| spath output=CDC_RDC path=payload.gpmGenerateEventLogs.gpmGenerateEventLog{}.attribute3
| eval combined=mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(mvzip(OpName,EvType),state),Line_Count),Org_Code),TimeZone),CDC_RDC)
| mvexpand combined
| eval combined=split(combined,",")
| eval OpName=mvindex(combined,0)
| eval EvType=mvindex(combined,1)
| eval state=mvindex(combined,2)
| eval Line_Count=mvindex(combined,3)
| eval Org_Code =mvindex(combined,4)
| eval TimeZone =mvindex(combined,5)
| eval cc=mvindex(combined,6)
| where OpName="abc"]
| bucket _time span=1d
| stats sum(Line_Count) AS Requests by _time
Any help on this pls
Did you solve this issue to your satisfaction? You are pulling a lot of unneeded data just to produce a line plot of requests by _time, and that somewhat obscured the question.
Have you tried the makecontinuous command?
Makes a field on the x-axis numerically continuous by adding empty buckets for periods where there is no data and quantifying the periods where there is data.
Sorry that will not help, as i need to show a single value with a trend comparison showing with Yesterday, Last Week, last Month
so basically user will select an option parameter say last week then my output should show todays value with a trend line having last week value of same time.