I have inserted the same data in splunk and mysql.
Splunk query:
index=sysmon EventCode=3
| stats count as sysmon_count by img_name
| sort sysmon_count desc
| join type=inner img_name
[ search index=winevent EventCode=5156
| stats count as winevt_count by img_name ]
| table img_name, sysmon_count, winevt_count
img_name | sysmon_count | winevt_count |
splunkd.exe | 3697 | 3701 |
python3.exe | 614 | 3071 |
streamfwd.exe | 614 | 1228 |
chrome.exe | 211 | 910 |
svchost.exe | 36 | 97 |
System | 22 | 34 |
taskhostw.exe | 1 | 2 |
whale_update.exe | 1 | 1 |
Mysql query:
select a.img_name, a.sysmon_count, b.winevt_count
from (
select img_name, count(*) as sysmon_count
from sysmon
where eventcode = 3
group by img_name
order by sysmon_count desc) a
join (
select img_name, count(*) as winevt_count
from winevent
where eventcode=5156
group by img_name
order by winevt_count desc) b
on a.img_name = b.img_name
img_name | sysmon_count | winevt_count |
splunkd.exe | 3697 | 3701 |
python3.exe | 614 | 3071 |
streamfwd.exe | 614 | 1228 |
chrome.exe | 211 | 910 |
svchost.exe | 36 | 97 |
System | 22 | 34 |
RuntimeBroker.exe | 2 | 2 |
taskhostw.exe | 1 | 2 |
backgroundTaskHost.exe | 1 | 1 |
OfficeClickToRun.exe | 1 | 1 |
POWERPNT.EXT | 1 | 1 |
MsMpEng.exe | 1 | 1 |
CEIP.exe | 1 | 1 |
whale_update.exe | 1 | 1 |
I have found the cause of join problem. Mysql is case-insensitive but splunk is case-sensitive. It can get the same result as mysql when change the join field(img_name) to lowercase.
index=sysmon EventCode=3
| eval img_name = lower(img_name)
| stats count as sysmon_count by img_name
| sort sysmon_count desc
| join type=inner img_name
[ search index=winevent EventCode=5156
| eval img_name = lower(img_name)
| stats count as winevt_count by img_name ]
hi @kyoung2580,
You don't need a join command, you can try this,
index=sysmon EventCode=3 OR EventCode=5156
| stats count(eval(EventCode=3)) as sysmon_count, count(eval(EventCode=5156)) as winevt_count by img_name
| sort sysmon_count desc
| table img_name, sysmon_count, winevt_count
If you still find some img_name values missing then they might not be there in your index OR you might need to increase the search time range depending on when the data is collected in Splunk and event timestamps.
index=sysmon EventCode=3 OR EventCode=5156 earliest=1
| stats count(eval(EventCode=3)) as sysmon_count, count(eval(EventCode=5156)) as winevt_count by img_name
| sort sysmon_count desc
| table img_name, sysmon_count, winevt_count
If this reply helps you, an upvote/like would be appreciated.
@manjunathmeti It works! This is very helpful. Thank you very much.:)
hi @kyoung2580,
You don't need a join command, you can try this,
index=sysmon EventCode=3 OR EventCode=5156
| stats count(eval(EventCode=3)) as sysmon_count, count(eval(EventCode=5156)) as winevt_count by img_name
| sort sysmon_count desc
| table img_name, sysmon_count, winevt_count
If you still find some img_name values missing then they might not be there in your index OR you might need to increase the search time range depending on when the data is collected in Splunk and event timestamps.
index=sysmon EventCode=3 OR EventCode=5156 earliest=1
| stats count(eval(EventCode=3)) as sysmon_count, count(eval(EventCode=5156)) as winevt_count by img_name
| sort sysmon_count desc
| table img_name, sysmon_count, winevt_count
If this reply helps you, an upvote/like would be appreciated.