can someone point me to the advanced search. I need to search for transactions from current day that are greater than average from last month?
For now i have starting search for average from last month... and don't know how to proceed further.
earliest="04/01/2016:00:00:00" latest="04/30/2016:23:59:59" | stats avg(Price)
Something like this
index=yourindex sourcetype=yoursourcetype earliest=@d latest=now | where Price> [search index=yourindex sourcetype=yoursourcetype earliest=-1mon@mon latest=@mon | stats avg(Price) as avg | return $avg ] | table ..put required fields here...
Something like this
index=yourindex sourcetype=yoursourcetype earliest=@d latest=now | where Price> [search index=yourindex sourcetype=yoursourcetype earliest=-1mon@mon latest=@mon | stats avg(Price) as avg | return $avg ] | table ..put required fields here...
Great, thanks! Actually it worked with this one:
yoursourcetype earliest=@d latest=now | where Price > [search earliest=-1mon@mon latest=@mon | stats avg(Price) as avg | return $avg ] | table ..put required fields here...