Hi All,
I think the subject of my questions says it all... I wanted to add numerical data from 2 multivalue fields, and save it to a new field.
Field1 | Field2 | Field3 |
4 | 8 | 12 |
8 | 9 | 17 |
3 | 2 | 5 |
I know mvappend is not the one to be used here, but I already tried:
| eval field3=mvappend(field1,field2)
Any ideas are greatly appreciated?
| eval field3=mvzip(field1,field2,"!")
| eval field3=mvmap(field3,tonumber(mvindex(split(field3,"!"),0))+tonumber(mvindex(split(field3,"!"),1)))
| eval field3=mvzip(field1,field2,"!")
| eval field3=mvmap(field3,tonumber(mvindex(split(field3,"!"),0))+tonumber(mvindex(split(field3,"!"),1)))
You're indeed a legend @ITWhisperer . Thank you very much!
Are you looking for this?
| eval a=1 | accum a
| stats sum(Field1) as sum_Field1 sum(Field2) as sum_Field2 list(*) as * by a
| eval Field3= sum_Field1+sum_Field2 | fields Field*
My Sample Search :
| makeresults | eval _raw="Field1 Field2
4|2 8|5 12
8|2 9|2 17
3|2 2|2 5" | multikv forceheader=1 | eval Field1=split(Field1,"|"),Field2=split(Field2,"|")
| table Field1 Field2
| rename comment as "Upto Now is sample data only"
| eval a=1 | accum a
| stats sum(Field1) as sum_Field1 sum(Field2) as sum_Field2 list(*) as * by a
| eval Field3= sum_Field1+sum_Field2 | fields Field*
▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 ?
If any of my reply helps you to solve the problem Or gain knowledge, an upvote would be appreciated.
Hi @kamlesh_vaghela , thanks a lot for your feedback.
However, your proposed solution is actually getting the sum of Field1 and Field2.
I am not up to that. As mentioned, I want each row/entry of the the multivalue fields 1 & 2, to be added, and saved on fied 3... Again, what I require is a per entry operation.
Again, thanks a lot for your reply.
As you said multivalued ( single field with multiple values) field so I though field1 and field2 is multivalued.
As per your provided example in question, did you tried simply addition?
| eval field3=field1 + field2
Or I think I'm still not clear about your expectations.
Try this
| eval Field3=tonumber(Field1) + tonumber(Field2)
still not working... I think you can't just simply add multivalue fields directly.
But still, thanks a lot for your comments. greatly appreciate it
Hmm... the solution you provided is not working for me. I always get empty results in field3
Like what I placed in my initial post, it's just 2 multivalue fields.
I got the 2 multivalue fields from this search:
| stats list(field1) as field1, list(field2) as field2 by group_name
Is is possible to add before stats? like
| eval field3 = field1 + field2
| stats list(field1) as field1, list(field2) as field2,list(field3) as field3 by group_name
| makeresults
| eval _raw="field1,field2,group_name
| multikv forceheader=1
| rename comment as "Upto Now is sample data only"
| eval field3 = field1 + field2
| stats list(field1) as field1, list(field2) as field2,list(field3) as field3 by group_name
not possible since field1 and field2 are results from operations / evaluations.
I just simplified it on my original post.
Then I think this will help you.
| stats list(field1) as field1, list(field2) as field2 by group_name
| eval t=mvzip(field1,field2)
| mvexpand t
| eval field1=mvindex(split(t,","),0),field2=mvindex(split(t,","),0) | fields - t
| eval field3 = field1 + field2
| stats list(field1) as field1, list(field2) as field2, list(field3) as field3 by group_name
My Sample Search :
| makeresults
| eval _raw="field1,field2,group_name
| multikv forceheader=1
| rename comment as "Upto Now is sample data only"
| stats list(field1) as field1, list(field2) as field2 by group_name
| eval t=mvzip(field1,field2)
| mvexpand t
| eval field1=mvindex(split(t,","),0),field2=mvindex(split(t,","),0) | fields - t
| eval field3 = field1 + field2
| stats list(field1) as field1, list(field2) as field2, list(field3) as field3 by group_name