Below, I have a chart being created which is supposed to show how many times we see each tag we find in a "tags" array in JSON with spath, and chart the names of the tags alongside the count for that tag. However, I'd also like an entry in the chart that displays a count of all the hits that had no tags.
(my query) | spath input=_raw output=tags path=tags{} | chart count over tags
I found several "splunk>answers" questions with a solution to counting array size, and can even, using a slightly different query, chart the tag count for each record. But I can't figure out how to:
1. count the empty tags in a way that assigns it to some variable, and
2. chart that variable with a "NONE" title alongsize all the other tag counts
Do this after your spath
and before chart
| eval tags=coalesce(tags,"NONE")
Can you post a non-confidential sample event?