Query one 1> index=prod sourcetype="STORM" "received message from MQ" ">EXIGEN_QUOTE<" | timechart count
2>index=prod sourcetype="STORM" "received message from MQ" ">NETPOS<" | timechart count
I have two queries on the same source and want them to be displayed in one panel. Two lines in the line chart,one line for each query.
Can this be achieved.
How about this
index=prod sourcetype="STORM" earliest=-24h "received message from MQ" ">EXIGEN_QUOTE<" | timechart span=15m count as Exigen|join type=outer [search index=prod sourcetype="STORM" earliest=-24h "received message from MQ" ">NETPOS<" | timechart span=15m count as Netpos]
Hope this helps!