How to create custom heatmap to project the overall health of all the applications deployed by platform and region vice?
which metrics we can used to project the overall application in Splunk observability cloud.
in RUM, we have only country property .Using that we are able to split application by country & environment vice.
need to split by platform & region vice.
I might start with a signal like service.request.count with a filter on sf_error=true. Then if I choose “count by sf_service” for my function and visualize as a heat map, that might be a good start. Under “chart options” you can define color thresholds so low error counts can be green, high error counts can be red, etc.
If you need to work with a value that you don’t have available, such as platform or region, you may want to look at defining those as span tags and indexing them as APM metricsets.