Splunk ITSI

Why does kvstore_to_json.py fail to update kpi threshold templates?

Path Finder

when doing a partial backup (GUI)/restore (CLI),

it fails with the message:



process:17394 thread:MainThread ERROR [itsi.migration] [__init__:1413] [exception] Object names must be unique for object type: kpi_threshold_template. List of duplicate names: [omitted list of duplicate objects].
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/lib/migration/migration.py", line 200, in migration_bulk_save_to_kvstore
    handler.migration_save_single_object_to_kvstore(object_type=object_type, validation=validation, dupname_tag=dupname_tag, skip_local_failure=skip_local_failure)
  File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/lib/migration/object_interface/itoa_migration_interface.py", line 130, in migration_save_single_object_to_kvstore
  File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/lib/ITOA/itoa_common.py", line 1026, in save_batch
  File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/lib/ITOA/itoa_object.py", line 431, in save_batch
    transaction_id=transaction_id, skip_local_failure=skip_local_failure)
  File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/lib/ITOA/itoa_object.py", line 169, in do_object_validation
    raise e
  File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/lib/ITOA/itoa_object.py", line 164, in do_object_validation
    self.validate_identifying_name(owner, objects, dupname_tag, transaction_id)
  File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/lib/ITOA/itoa_object.py", line 232, in validate_identifying_name
  File "/opt/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/lib/ITOA/itoa_common.py", line 949, in raise_error_bad_validation
    raise ItoaValidationError(message, logger, self.log_prefix, status_code=status_code)
ITOA.itoa_exceptions.ItoaValidationError: Object names must be unique for object type: kpi_threshold_template. List of duplicate names: [omitted list of duplicate objects].




I tried using the -e switch documented (I tried even if it only renames services/entities), https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ITSI/4.4.5/Configure/kvstorejson

when removing the json file that has the KPI Threshold templates, the script successfully creates/updates all other objects.

to be complete, this is the CLI call: 



/opt/splunk/bin/splunk cmd python /opt/splunk/etc/apps/SA-ITOA/bin/kvstore_to_json.py -i -d -n -f /home/<myuser>/depot/itsi/itsi_configurations/ -u admin -p <cut> -v -e dup_202208161350




any pointers? 

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