Below is the data I have in search time. I have the entity as a state column.
How can I make running as Green and Stopped as Red ?
ServiceType="Own Process"
if you are asking regarding a KPI, i would probably convert the value of State
field to a number
for example:
... your search ... | eval status=if(State''"Running",0,1) ...
then on the KPI i will have the max
function and the field to report as status
when defining thresholds, normal will be 0 and High or Critical will be 1
hope it helps
if you are asking regarding a KPI, i would probably convert the value of State
field to a number
for example:
... your search ... | eval status=if(State''"Running",0,1) ...
then on the KPI i will have the max
function and the field to report as status
when defining thresholds, normal will be 0 and High or Critical will be 1
hope it helps
but in the KPI tile. the status will be shown as numeric value as 1 or 0. it there any way i can display the state and to calculate i can use status value?
ITSI KPIs working only on numeric values, you cant put a string (per-se) in the visualization as far as i know
meaning, you cant have a text in the KPI viz box