Splunk IT Service Intelligence

Why does Splunk ITSI Web Server search no results?

Path Finder

Hi, splunkers

I am just wonder this phase. But it's not critical for me now.
I try to integrate apache web server and splunk itsi. But I stuck in creating services phase because | savedsearch DA-ITSI-WEBSERVER-WebServer_Entity_Search is not giving result.



Actually my real question is about KPI searches.
I want to show Website 4xx erros in default services page but in Website-4xx Errors search includes tag=activity, so I don't find these tag any add-on. For these reason My web site 4xx error search not working properly.

How I fix these issue ?


Also these tag not including in Splunk ITSI content pack.




Thank you.



0 Karma


So please try to figure out if your source, field extractions and permissions are correct. This must be working before creating KPIs.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Everythings is correct. Also I get logs properly. I installed apps necessary.

Which add-ons must for integrate apache and splunk itsi.

0 Karma
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