Splunk IT Service Intelligence

ITSI Episodes Data Inconsistent



When fetching the episodes from ITSI via REST (https://hostname:8089/servicesNS/fsspl06/itsi/event_management_interface/notable_event_group?filter={"status":"1","severity":{"$gte":"3"}}) a list of several episodes with status "New" is obtained. However, in the ITSI GUI, in the Episode Review tab, a search for all new episodes over all time returns no results. How is this possible? Any clues on how to debug this? Thanks

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Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

If you are sure that even in the itsi_summary index that the groupid's for the ones retrieved via rest are NOT there, then I'd open a support case.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Need more info on your filter.  What is set for Status Filter and Severity Filter?

0 Karma


In ITSI GUI the Status is set to New and the severity is not set

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Also if you search the. index=itsi_grouped_alerts do you see the groupID of the same episodes you got from the REST API?


0 Karma


No, the episodes returned via REST are not found in the index.

0 Karma
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