Form my first panel, when I click on a row I want to display the results of the row
Actually it opens the details for all row and not for a specific wrong
What is wrong please?
<title>Bureau : $Site$</title>
<search base="sante">
<query>| stats count as "Nombre de lenteurs" by name | rename name as Nom
| sort - "Nombre de lenteurs"</query>
<option name="drilldown">row</option>
<format type="color" field="Nombre de lenteurs">
<colorPalette type="minMidMax" maxColor="#DC4E41" minColor="#FFFFFF"></colorPalette>
<scale type="minMidMax"></scale>
<set token="name">$click.value$</set>
<panel depends="$name$">
<title>Bureau : $Site$</title>
<search base="sante">
<query>| stats count(web_app_duration_avg_ms) as "Nb lenteurs Web" count(hang_process_name) as "Nb hang", count(crash_process_name) as "Nb crash" by name
| rename name as Nom</query>
<option name="drilldown">none</option>
<option name="refresh.display">progressbar</option>
The search in your panel is not using the value of the $name$ token to filter the results - you are merely using the token to determine whether to display the panel or not
The search in your panel is not using the value of the $name$ token to filter the results - you are merely using the token to determine whether to display the panel or not
oh right, thanks!